Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2nd Year Play in NYC:

2nd year playwright Dana Lynn Formby's Armed with Peanut Butter was selected to be part of The Turnip Theatre Company's 14th annual short play festival in association with the American Globe Theatre of New York City. The Performance Date is April 19th.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Three OU MFAs Finalists at Kennedy Center ACTF III in Milwaukee:

Bill Zorn and Reggie Edmund, both 2nd year MFAs, and recent alum Laura Jacqmin have each finished in the top six 10-minute plays for the Kennedy Center's American College Theater Festival, to be held in Milwaukee next week. All three will be on hand in Milwaukee to workshop and present their plays. OU has a very strong track record with ACTF awards -- this is the second time in three years that three out of six finalists are OU students. (Note: though faculty member Erik Ramsey is affiliated with ACTF, the plays are judged by outside auditors.) The top six 10-minute plays are selected out of numerous submissions from Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana.